For Creative Careers Week 2022, we’ve gathered together some useful resources for young people considering a creative career in the heritage sector.
Most roles in the heritage sector, whether they are practical, desk-based, or a mixture of both, require a lot deal of creativity.
Creative Scotland
Creative Scotland is a public organisation which distributes funding from the Scottish Government and The National lottery and supports the arts, screen, and creative industries across Scotland. Their opportunities page lists everything from jobs to artist’s residencies and voluntary positions. They also post calls for entries, training, and grant funding opportunities, so it’s well worth checking on a regular basis.
Historic Environment Scotland
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) are the lead public body set up to investigate, care for and promote Scotland’s historic environment. HES offer apprenticeships in most trades, including; stonemasonry, joinery and gardening, all with traditional skills and materials at their heart. You can look for Traineeship and Apprenticeship Opportunities here.
HES has skills training centres in Elgin and Stirling, which offer the following courses:
PDA and SVQ Stonemasonry SCQF Levels 5, 6, and 7
PDA Repair & Maintenance of Traditional Structures SCQF Level 6
Award in Energy Efficiency Measures for Older and Traditional Buildings RQF Level 3
The Apprenticeships.Scot website advertises a huge range of apprenticeship opportunities across Scotland for young people still in school, people over the age of 16, and graduates. You can view all available apprenticeships here.
National Trust for Scotland
The National Trust for Scotland (NTS) are the largest member organisation in Scotland. Established in 1931 they look after coastlines, castles, art and architecture across the country. The NTS offers gardening apprenticeships, giving you the chance to work at some incredible historic gardens and properties. Keep an eye on their vacancies page for new opportunities.
Museums Galleries Scotland
Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS) is the National Development Body for the Scottish Museums sector. They support more than 400 museums and galleries, and also deliver formal and vocational skills-based courses through the MGS Skills Academy. Through Skills Development Scotland, MGS is delivering Modern Apprenticeships and Foundation Apprenticeships, as well as Museums and Galleries Technician Modern Apprenticeships. Check out available opportunities here.
Ffion Blench from CHALK gives attendees at the Women in Construction event a hands-on introduction to traditional decorative plasterwork
Developing the Young Workforce
Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) plays a key part in the delivery of the Young Person’s Guarantee, a commitment to bring together employers, partners and young people across Scotland. For more information about DYW activities, get in touch with your Regional DYW Group. Here in Stirling we’re part of the Forth Valley Region.