Damp, Mould and Condensation 1 day course

We are delighted to invite Professor John Edwards to deliver a full-day course on damp, mould and condensation on Wednesday 21st August

Damp, Mould and Condensation 1 day course

Untitled design (5).jpg  Wednesday 21st August, 9:00am - 3:30pm BST

Untitled design (6).jpg  Barracks Conference Centre, Forthside Way, Stirling

Untitled design (8).jpg  This course is now fully booked.

We are delighted to invite Professor John Edwards to deliver a full-day course on damp, mould and condensation. Professor Edwards MA, DipBldgCons, CEnv, FCIOB, FRICS, IHBC, is a Chartered Building Surveyor, Chartered Environmentalist and Building Pathologist.

This is a technical course aimed at professionals and practitioners. It will cover the following:

  • The differences between traditionally constructed buildings and newer buildings including the way they perform and should be treated.
  • Ascertaining the age of a building and why it’s important
  • Comparing and contrasting modern and traditional buildings
  • Methods of inspection – issues to look out for
  • Equipment and tools
  • Moisture sources and how to ascertain
  • Moisture movement mechanisms and how to ascertain
  • Understanding the implications of alterations and retrofit and how to ascertain
  • Implications of use and the environment
  • Reporting

The course will generally cover the content of the guidance ‘Investigation of Moisture and its Effects in Traditional Buildings – Principles and Competencies’ a joint position statement agreed between RICS, Historic England, PCA, Cadw, IHBC, SPAB, Historic Environment Scotland and the Northern Ireland Government (Department for Communities Historic Environment Division). It will also refer to BS 5250: 2021: Management of moisture in buildings.

It is suitable for everyone that investigates moisture problems in buildings and this includes surveyors, Retrofit Assessors and those designing and implementing works to existing buildings. At the end of the course, participants should have an understanding of the common causes of moisture problems in buildings, the approach to analysis, and methods of investigation including the equipment to be used.

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UK Shared Prosperity Fund

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-shared-prosperity-fund-prospectus

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