SVE Inspire Awards September 2024

Staff and Trustees of Stirling City Heritage Trust were delighted to attend the Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise (SVE) Inspire Volunteering Awards last week, celebrating the fantastic volunteers across a variety of organisations in the Stirling area.

The event at the Stirling Albert Halls on 18 September was an opportunity to thank and recognise volunteers, many of whom have offered years of unpaid service.

Trustee and former Chair of Stirling City Heritage Trust, David Black, was a finalist in the category of ‘Volunteering for Strong Organisations’.

Shortlist Announcement for the Inspire Volunteering Awards

Stirling City Heritage Trust was set up in December 2004 and just a couple of years later, David Black joined on 1 January 2007 as a Board member. He supported the Trust in these formative years and became Chair of the Board of Trustees in 2013. Over his ten years as Chair, David oversaw significant changes at SCHT as we set up the Traditional Buildings Health Check, grew the staff from two to six and more recently to seven with the new retrofit service. He has helped to steer the Trust in new and exciting directions which have seen it transformed into one of Scotland’s key heritage organisations. David recently stepped down as SCHT Chair, taking up the Vice-Chair role and working closely with the Board’s new Chair, Councillor Jim Thomson.

David’s enthusiasm has helped to attract a wide range of people to join the SCHT Board. His welcoming and generous demeanor has also meant that he has been in high demand from local organisations keen to secure him for their Board or committee. He is well known in Stirling for his extensive volunteering including previously on Mercat Community Council, local radio, and is currently Chair of Stirling District Tourism as well as the Stirling Go Forth BID.

As an organisation, we were delighted to have the opportunity through the Inspire Awards, to get recognition for one of our hard-working volunteers given his long and dedicated service.

Three people were finalists for the category of ‘Volunteering for Strong Organisations’, Hugh Grant, Lucie Cunningham and David Black. The successful nominee was Hugh Grant of Forth Valley Welcome, a very deserving winner from an excellent local organisation, well done to Hugh.


Would you like to join our volunteer Board?

We are currently seeking new Board members who are passionate about Stirling’s heritage. Please see details on our careers page to find out more and download the application form.

Posted by: admin