Stirling Heritage Strategy

A Heritage Strategy for Stirling

Across Scotland, many organisations develop heritage strategies or plans to help them to protect, conserve and celebrate their historic environment. Stirling has a rich heritage across the whole Council area and Stirling Council has decided to develop a new Heritage Strategy.

Elected Members have agreed that this should be led by Stirling City Heritage Trust. This will be developed during 2024 and will involve a wide consultation of local, regional and national organisations as well as individuals and communities. The aim is that as many people as possible in the Stirling Council area contribute their views and help to shape the plan.

Stirling Heritage Strategy: Community Consultation

Stirling City Heritage Trust is developing a Heritage Strategy for Stirling and we would love to hear your views if you live or work in the Stirling area. The strategy is for the whole of the Stirling Council area and we would like as many people as possible from across the region to give us their views.

The Stirling Heritage Strategy will help to identify what aspects of Stirling’s heritage are a priority for people and will include an Action Plan to focus delivery of projects.

The initial Community Consultation is now closed.


Who is working on the Stirling Heritage Strategy?

Steering Group

The development of the strategy is being overseen by a steering group which includes the following:

  • Lindsay Lennie, Trust Manager, SCHT
  • Ann Jacob-Chandler, Stirling Council
  • Sharon Marklow, Stirling Council
  • Jillian Schofield, Stirling Council
  • Drew Leslie, Stirling Council
  • George Barbour, Stirling Council
  • Lynn Harris, Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce
  • Bryan Dickson, NTS
  • David Mitchell, HES
  • Stuart Mearns, Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park


A Forum has been established which includes representatives from a broad range of local, regional and national organisations and individuals who have specialist knowledge, experience and expertise in particular areas. They have been allocated into different themes:

  • Heritage & Planning
  • Skills & Education
  • History & Heritage
  • Commerce & Tourism
  • Climate Action

Representatives from Forum Groups all met in April to give their views and to help shape the Strategy. They will be giving further feedback over the next few months.



We are encouraging the Stirling community to have their say through in-person events and questionnaires. The questionnaires are available on this website and information will follow on the location of in-person events which will be during June and July 2024.


How Can I Contribute to the Stirling Heritage Strategy?

Follow our social media to find out about the most up to date developments. We will also keep this webpage up to date with what is happening, links to questionnaires and documents.


Contact Us

We have a dedicated email for this. If you have any questions please email the SCHT team:

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